Ordinary People Academy
Ordinary People Academy, a subsidiary of Ordinary People magazine, is dedicated to nurturing young writers. These aspiring creatives are trained extensively in web content writing and search engine optimization (SEO). Their work forms the core of what you see throughout the magazine.
Week 1
Teams and Sections
Each course lasts for one month. During the first week, students participate in a 3-day intensive class. Afterward, they are divided into teams and sections to collaborate on real-world projects.
Week 2
Each student is assigned to work with an online web publisher, taking on various roles such as writer, section editor, managing editor, social media manager, copywriter, or CMS manager.
Week 3
Team Building
Each student rotates through different roles and engages in team-building exercises. By the third week, they are expected to have contributed to at least four published works.
Week 4
Performance Metrics
The final week focuses on teaching students how to create a professional writing portfolio and track their performance metrics. In the end, they are awarded certificates of completion.
We provide instruction on on-page and off-page SEO, voice search optimization (VSO), and technical SEO, including link building, rel attributes, and meta descriptions. Additionally, we cover various types of keywords and their proper placement.
Web Content Writing
We teach a variety of writing styles, including blogging and article writing. Our curriculum also covers different formats such as editorials, listicles, roundups, and several other writing structures.
Performance Metrics
Students also learn how to track the performance of their articles, gaining skills in monitoring website traffic, conversion rates, bounce rates, clickthrough rates, and other key metrics.
Micro Blogging
Students are introduced to microblogging, where they learn how to create concise and impactful content for platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. They focus on crafting engaging short-form posts that capture attention, convey key messages, and drive interaction. The course also covers strategies for integrating visuals, hashtags, and calls-to-action to maximize engagement and reach on social media.